MORABA Student Programmes
REXUS/BEXUS – A MORABA Student Programme
Rocket and balloon experiments for university students (“Raketen – und Ballon-EXperimente für Universitäts-Studenten”)
The Swedish-German student programme of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Swedish National Space Board (SNSB) provides Swedish and German students with the opportunity to conduct scientific and technical experiments on rockets and balloons in near space or special atmospheric conditions. In the process, the students become familiar with the complete process of a space flight project, which begins with the idea and planning and ends with publication of the results.
STERN – Student Experiment Rockets
The STERN (“Studentische Experimental-Raketen”) programme provides higher education students with the opportunity to plan and construct their own rockets, including the propulsion system, and also launch them from the Esrange launch site near Kiruna in northern Sweden. A telemetry unit is provided as the payload to transmit all the important trajectory parameters, such as acceleration, speed and flight altitude back to Earth. The data are then available to students for flight data analysis.